Saturday, November 13, 2010

youth & youthfulness

Today was a lovely day and a few factors put together made me realize how absolutely grateful I am for the youth around me and for youthfulness. I'm in the stage of life where it seems like everyone around me is reproducing! Yes, I do get sad now and then that God has given me the gift of marriage and children yet, but most of the time I am able to just enjoy all the babies and kids around me. Kenyon Sagraves is one of the most amazing little boys ever! I have loved watching him grow up and become such a smart and curious boy. It does make me sad that I don't get to be around the kids in my own family very much, but I'm so grateful that Aaron & Al allow me to be so involved in Kenyon's life. There are so many more little ones around (and even more to come!) and I love watching their parents learn so much and feel so blessed.

I am also so grateful for youthfulness. The reason for this is because as of late I have really realized that I am not so youthful anymore. I actually feel like I'm rather jaded at times and am not so carefree as those younger than myself. I have gotten so caught up in being a successful person and living a successful life that I forget to just sit and listen to people sometimes. This really popped out to me while I was watching the movie "Letters to God." I was warned that I would cry through the whole thing and I did. I was really touched by the fearlessness of the little boy in the movie and the impact he had because of that. That was my biggest prayer going into my job at DU and I think I forgot about that toward the end. I did love hard, but I don't know that I gave everything I could to building quality relationships with my players. I wanted (and still do) to win so bad and be successful that I think I did lose focus at times.

So, in a nutshell, I'm grateful for young people and for the unique qualities they possess. I am also grateful that God can restore these qualities in us "old folk." :)

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