Thursday, November 11, 2010

pleasantly surprised

I was so bummed when we were riding the bus home on Tuesday when I realized I forgot to write a post that day. Then this morning I woke up and realized I forgot on Wednesday as well. I was pretty much in a fog all day yesterday after getting home at 2 a.m. after our season ended and having lots & lots of thoughts rolling around in my head all day. Then I got to sit in a conference coaches meeting for 2.5 hours and got home around 10:30 p.m. last night. I am not a night person and my schedule is forcing me to be one this week. I have to drive to the thumb tonight for a volleyball game and probably won't get home till midnight. Needless to say, I'll probably be sick by Tuesday just in time to figure out all of our club volleyball teams!

Okay, on to my gratefulness for the past two days and today. As I said above our season ended on Tuesday night with a rather disappointing loss. It would've been fine to handle, but I had a parent say some untimely things to me that really upset me. It really started to put a bitter taste in my mouth about our season, which was pretty good overall. When I got home last night I had a text from one of my players who just wanted to let me know that Sugarland won Duo of the Year on the CMAs because they knew I had a meeting and was missing the show. I know it seems silly, but it put such a smile on my face that she did that. Even though they don't always make great decisions and do silly things, I really do have great players on my team. I know the best of coaches don't get too attach, but I know I do. I just love hard. That's why I cry when things end. Despite that one parental incident, I am determined to be grateful for the good things and continue to trust in God and the passion for coaching that He has given me.

I'm also grateful for my family who came to our last match. My mom, grandma, grandparents, and aunt claudia were all there. They really just come to watch me, which can't be that exciting, but it is still nice to have them there especially if we lose. My mom even had a rockin' new haircut that I loved. I also love watching my grandma garner in the stands. She just cheers for everyone. She is the epitome of a good sportsman. She did not like that fans from the other team were taunting our players - that's for sure. I feel very blessed to have them all!

Now it's back to crazy life. Must deal with the headache I've had all night and start being somewhat productive.

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