Tuesday, November 16, 2010


You knew they would make it in a post at some point . . . today is the day I recognize my gratitude for our wonderful kitties. Phoebe & Pounce have been with us for about 8 months and we cannot remember how we survived without them. They are such playful kittens that provide lots of entertainment, but they can also curl up on your lap and provide so much comfort and love. I'm just so grateful that they are here each and every day to come home to. And at this very moment I love that Phoebe is right in front of the TV watching Ellen and Pounce is ready to jump on her. I am not grateful for all their hair, but thanks to these amazing sheets that grab it off the furniture so easily it's not so bad. Thank you Lord for blessing us with the bestest cats ever!!

1 comment:

  1. agreed:) and they are grateful for YOU too (I mean, how would they eat if they didn't have us??)
